Legal disclaimer
The site is a site accessible via the Internet, open to all users of that network. It is published by Tân Design, incorporated under Dutch law, whose registered office in Rotterdam is enrolled with the Dutch trade registry (Kamer van Koophandel) as number 58178554.
Consequently, by continuing to consult the site, the user indicates his/her acceptance of the compulsory information. The use of the Internet site is subject to the most recent version of the compulsory information available on the Internet site at the time of use. With each project, the Terms & Conditions of services and design work of Tân Design are delivered in PDF to the concerning partner and client. This disclaimer is in regards to the website only.
Content of the site
The content of the is for information only.
Users of the site cannot hold Tân Design liable for any information or comments of any kind obtained from or issued by the site.
Tân Design makes accurate, up-to-date information available and reserves the right to modify the content of its site at any time. However, Tân Design is in no way responsible for any damage caused as a result of data communicated via the site that may prove to be inaccurate, out of date or incomplete.
Users undertake to immediately inform Tân Design of any fraudulent use and not to try to harm the integrity or operation of the site.
Users of the site shall ascertain that their browser software is compatible with the site.
Users declare that they have sufficient experience in using the Internet and the related electronic communication functions.
Exoneration of liability
Tân Design undertakes to implement all reasonable means at its disposal to enable users to make optimal use of its Internet site. Consequently, Tân Design is bound only by a “best-effort” obligation and under no circumstances an obligation to achieve a result.
Thus remote services may be interrupted for the needs of control, maintenance, overload and more generally other causes beyond the control of Tân Design.
In any case, Tân Design can only be held responsible for incidents whose cause is found exclusively in a system over which Tân Design has effective control, which excludes all incidents that originate upstream or downstream of the site, and particularly in accessing the Internet network.
Tân Design is responsible only for fraud and serious faults enacted by itself.
Intellectual property
The website was built in WordPress and designed and made by Tân Design.
The content and the presentation of the site (HTML or Flash pages, fixed or generated automatically, image, sound, video files, trademarks, logos, etc.) are protected by intellectual property rights held by Tân Design unless indicated otherwise.
The texts and graphic elements, their presentation, their assembly, the video and sound productions, etc. are the property of Tân Design or other persons from whom Tân Design has obtained authorization to use them. They are intellectual work protected by copyright.
Any communication to the public or total or partial reproduction without the consent of Tân Design is illegal and constitutes counterfeiting sanctioned by criminal law. This is also the case for translation, adaptation or reproduction by any art or process.
The trademarks and logos published on the website are the property of Tân Design or others from whom Tân Design has obtained authorizations to make use of them. The information presented on these sites cannot be interpreted in any way as constituting or awarding a license or authorization that allows the use of commercial trademarks in any way; this use requires prior, explicit written permission from Tân Design. Improper use of such trademarks is strictly prohibited.
Tân Design will assert its intellectual property rights all over the world, in compliance with the laws of the countries all over the world and with international treaties.
Presenting a page in a frame that does not belong to Tân Design (using a technique referred to as “framing”) and inserting a page belonging to Tân Design in a page not belonging to Tân Design (using the technique of “online linking” are prohibited).
Tân Design creates links exclusively to sites from which it has requested authorizations and is not responsible for links that are created to its site.
Tân Design has no power of verification or control over the creation of links to external sites nor to the content of such sites.
Consequently, the user accepts that his/her choice to gain access to another site by means of a hypertext link proposed from the Tân Design site is taken at his/her own risk.
Tân Design cannot be held liable for any direct or consequential damage resulting from gaining access to a site connected by a hypertext link.
Applicable and jurisdiction